Would You Like TV With That?
A week or so ago, Aaron and I went to meet Tonya for lunch near her job. We decided we'd go to one of our old standards, a Chinese buffet on Dezavala and Vance Jackson. I can't remember the name of it, despite the 20 or so visits we've made. Its next to the Fox & The Hound Pub & Grill. I'd remember the bar...
Anyhow, so we sit down to eat when I start to hear something. It's not like crowd ambiance. It sounds like a radio. But I can hear the overhead, Chinese music playing. It wasn't that. It was something else.
I turn around and behind us, to my left, there's a couple with a portable DVD player watching a show or a movie while they eat.
Who the fuck does that?
I'll admit, my wife and I both plop ourselves in front of the tube to eat most nights. It probably isn't a great thing to do, but we do it nevertheless. But who takes the idiot box with them, TO A RESTAURANT, and flips it on so they can watch a movie and eat?
Hey, if you're chowin' down on a plate of Buffalo wings at a sports bar while enjoying the Appalachian State/Michigan game, go for it. That's what sports bars are made for. If you're at Applebee's and you glance up to catch the Spurs playing the Cavs in the NBA Finals and you order a nice steak with a side of garlic mashed potatoes, by all means, enjoy. But if there's no TV at the restaurant you're in, are you gonna haul in your own? Do you lack that much self control that you can't wait to get home or to your hotel or your double wide to catch the latest episode of the Jeff Foxworthy show or Cops?Git Er Done!
Should I mention that the guy who was watching TV was wearing a NASCAR T-shirt and Wolverine workboots. Yes, I'm saying he was a redneck.
I was aghast. Shocked. I've seen some silly shit in my day, but a fucking DVD player in a buffet? If you can't wait to see a prerecorded show which you own and must watch TV while you consume food with your loved ones, then....ugh. Its just mind blowing.
If you click on the photo, you'll be able to see that I've blurred their faces. Not because I'm afraid they will see the photo and want to sue, but because it won't matter that you know their faces. You'll know it's them if you see them at a restaurant by the color of their DVD player.
Maybe I'm not hip on the new trends, but I don't EVER recall seeing anyone at any restaurant which did not have a TV, with a portable one.
My faith in humanity once again falls.
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