Some cheese with your whine, Mr. West?
Is it any surprise that people don't bother to buy music anymore?
Last Sunday's MTV Video Music Awards are proof positive that most awards in Hollywood mean shit and are worth probably less than a paper weight.
Of particular not is Mr. Kanye West. West, who was nominated in five categories, did not win a single award. This prompted West to throw a tantrum backstage.
"That's two years in a row, man ... give a black man a chance," he said as he left. "I'm trying hard man, I have the ... No. 1 record, man."
But his list of complaints had only begun.
He also ripped MTV a new one over the fact that he didn't get to perform his latest single, "Stronger," from his latest album, 'Graduation,' on the main stage. In an Associated Press story, he said:
He [West] said it was a blow to the ego when Justin Timberlake, who also hosted a suite party, ended up "on the big stage" to give the closing performance with Timbaland and Nelly Furtado. "Those are the big things, and you know what I do man, I really made the song 'Stronger,' you know, for stadiums," he said.I want my MTV award!
West also whinned about how the VMA's treated the poor and bewildered Britney Spears. During an interview with Z100, an NYC radio station, West said, "They exploited Britney in helping to end her career. When Britney was opening, near the end, I felt so bad for her. I said: 'Man, it's a dirty game. This game will chew you up and spit you out.'"
Yes, poor Britney. She's gone batshit and that mean ole MTV took full advantage of her. That dumb will take any attention she can get. Hello? Wasn't this the same idiot who was photographed several times without panties AND saving her head bald? Nevermind the other dozen idiotic things she's done in the past.
Is a fucking MTV award more important to this clown than people listening to his record and liking it? Cause, if I'm not mistaken, I thought that's why people who can make music make it. This cements what I've always though: many actors and musicians don't work for the love, they work for the accolade. Its about the money, not the respect. Its about awards, not a love for your craft.
I'm sure that the fact that he had an album coming out yesterday didn't have anything to do with his little tantrum. I guess any publicity is good publicity. Isn't that what they say?
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