The Big Picture
I lifted this straight from I think it's from Reuters Wire Service.
Poll Shows Moviegoers Are Big DVD Buyers
A poll of moviegoers indicates that 83 percent of those who see ten or more movies per year in theaters also "frequently" or "sometimes" buy the DVD of many of the same movies, the New York Times reported today (Monday). The study, conducted by Nielsen Entertainment, concluded that seeing movies in the theater and at home "are not mutually exclusive occurrences" and appears to boost arguments by theater owners that they would be harmed significantly if movies were released in theaters and on DVD simultaneously. Thirty-six percent said they would skip the multiplex if that were to occur.
What the fuck? These theatre owners are getting their panties in a bunch because if people are given an option of dropping $20-$25 on a brand spankin' new movie or dropping $80 for the same movie they only get to see once and then have to buy all the marked up concession stand crap, people will most likely take the $20-route. Does that logic fail to register?
Listen, I'll be the first to say, I love the movies. I loved them when I was a kid and they were $1.25 for a brand new release. I even loved them when they were $3.75. And loved them when they went up to $6. But at $8 a pop, I have to shell out nearly $40 to take my family to the movies. Then there's the food. A bucket of popcorn is almost $5. Drinks start at $3.25. And there's the overpriced candy. Let's do some math:
Aaron: soda ($3.25/sm), candy ($4/split with Terrance)
Terrance: soda ($3.25/sm)
Tonya: soda ($4/lg)
Me: soda ($4/lg)
Family: popcorn ($4/w/refills)
With tickets and tax added, I'll drop nearly $60 on a night at the movies. SIXTY FUCKING DOLLARS. I'm not saying my family isn't worth the expense. I love them. If I could afford to drop that much at a time, I would do it with a big fat grin. But the key here is AFFORD TO DO IT.
While nothing compares with the feeling of watching something like "Superman Returns" on the big screen, if the prices continue to go up and I'm given the option to buy the movie (which I most likely will anyway), I'll grab the DVD and run.
I know why I go to the movies. It's not the same reason most people go. I go because I'm a film buff. There's nothing that compares quite like watching "Army of Darkness" or "Apocalypse Now" on the big screen. Or some sweeping epic. A western. "Die Hard" was awesome on the big screen. I should know. I saw it 12 times. 8 of those times I paid full price ($3.75).
And you can't always wait for the print to head to Cinemark's Dollar Theatres. There's nothing worse than sitting in those crappy seats, your shoes stick to the floor and the print is worn and wonky. Not to mention the fact that people who go to the Dollar Movies go and pretend that it's THEIR LIVING ROOM. They kick their feet up on the seats, talk on their cell phones and cut up with their friends. Just shitty.
With the advent of better special effects, bigger budgets and two-studio pictures, I've seen the prices of tickets rise by 50 cents every couple of years. And the concessions go up three fold. Before long, you'll have to take out a loan to go to the movies.
It's all a game of numbers. Is Tom Hanks worth $20 mil a film? No, I don't believe so. If less money changes his desire to act better, then he needs to find a different career. Because last I remember, he said that he loved acting because "he got to pretend to be different people." He never said he loved getting bags full of money. Everything a studio does, from working their people till all ends of the night to paying an actor, AN ACTOR, millions of dollars translates to higher ticket prices.
When I was a kid, my Dad would take the family to the movies pretty often. I doubt that they go to the movies at all now. But back then, we were guaranteed to see a new release movie, $1.25 for the late show, then we'd go have pizza. It was only at the movies that I got to have some pop. Dad discouraged soda at home. I'd get my own and a bag of popcorn. I remember the feeling of the theatres then. I got excited when the lights went down and the trailers started. To this day, I hate being late the movies because I love the trailers so.
I'll never stop loving movies. Never. But if I'm given a choice as to where I want to enjoy the movie, I'll pick at home with my wife and my kids any day. Theatres don't have a pause button.
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